Column support and relocation procedure for programmed and emergency works
Under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, utility companies have to inform our Street Works team of any work being carried out which may disrupt street lighting apparatus. This will include illuminated signs, illuminated bollards, electronic signs, street lighting and associated feeder pillars on the highway.
Disruption may include but not exclusive of the following, to enable the utility company to carry out their works:
- Supporting lighting columns, sign post and any associated apparatus
- Removal and reinstallation of lighting columns, sign post and any associated apparatus
The proposer must use an approved and suitably qualified street lighting contractor to undertake this work on their behalf. If the proposer does not have a street lighting contractor in hand, a list of recommended contractors who are approved to work on the Shropshire network can be provided.
Any columns signs bollards etc. that are connected to the DNO network and require removal must be disconnected and reconnected at the expense of and organised by the proposer.
Any columns signs bollards etc. with a ‘private network’ supply or service owned and/or operated by us should be isolated removed and reconnected by an approved street lighting contractor organised by and at the expense of the proposer.
To reduce costs to the proposer and the need for a second inspection, it is essential that all spoil, excess materials, stores, signing, lighting and guarding must be removed from site before the works can be regarded as completed and ready for inspection.
Our street lighting team will inspect all works carried out once the proposer has confirmed the works are complete to the Street Works team and recharge for this inspection. If works are not carried out to a satisfactory standard or in a timely manner, a remedial notice will be issued which will incur additional fees to cover the costs of carrying out additional inspections.
If the remedial work is not forthcoming, we will instruct the Highway Term Contractor to undertake those works and recharge for this work in its entirety.
Fees are indicated on the application forms which can be found on our website.
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