Shrewsbury Highways Improvement Programme

It was recognised back in 2015 that with the level of proposed and ongoing development in the town, the Shrewsbury Integrated Transport Package (SITP) in the pipeline and major utility works from Severn Trent Water, National Grid Gas and Western Power Distribution, there was potential and likelihood of a large programme of essential works which needed ratifying and managing to avoid sever disruption over a three- to five-year period.

A working group was subsequently formed to look more closely at the planned works and identify overlapping works and potential clashes with a view to minimising the longer term disruption. This group now continues to meet regularly throughout the year to discuss future and current works, and is regularly attended by housing developers and the utility providers, allowing additional forward planning and coordination to take place.

The Coronavirus pandemic has unfortunately caused a temporary suspension of these meetings – however with on-going plans for the North West Relief road, new Developer and Planning applications and the importance of regenerating the economy and minimising travel and business disruption paramount. The format of the meeting, and its members, is under review and looking to re-start as soon as feasible.

If you wish to attend a meeting please contact

For updates on individual elements of the SHIP, please consult our large-scale project works pages.

Member organisations

The current membership of SHIP contains the four largest utility companies that work in the area, Highways England, Shropshire Council as well as many local housing developers. If you wish to become a member of the group please contact

SHIP partner logos

Further information

Our aim is to inform people about these planned works in advance so that they're aware of what is being planned and why, and how it may affect them. We'll add regular updates on SHIP works to the large scale project works page to keep people informed. To find out how to receive regular updates by email, take a look at our video tutorial.

Information for developers

Does your development require utility connections?

Any works/activities carried out either by, or on behalf of, the developer, whether they are located on, or affecting a prospectively maintainable highway, as defined under Section 87 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, or on or affecting the public highway, shall be co-ordinated under the requirements of the New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) 1991 and the Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004 and licensed accordingly by the Street/Highway Authority in order to secure the expeditious movement of traffic by minimising disruption to users of the highway network in Shropshire. Developers must also inform undertakers of their proposed works, to jointly identify any affected apparatus, and to agree diversion or protection measures and corresponding payment.

Any such works or activities commissioned by the developer and particularly those involving the connection of any utility to the site, shall be co-ordinated by them in liaison with Shropshire Council Street Works Team. To allow effective co-ordination contact must be made with the Street Works Team at least three months in advance of the commencement of the works and any subsequent applications must be in line with the noticing requirements of the NRSWA 1991, TMA 2004 and Highways Act 1980. The developer must particularly ensure that statutory undertaker connections/supplies to the site are co-ordinated to take place wherever possible at the same time and using the same traffic management measures.

For more information please contact or take a look at our application forms and charges page.

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