Traffic management FAQs

Find out about what our traffic management engineers and technicians do to keep the county's traffic moving safely, regulate speed and help to improve the quality of life for residents, motorists, walkers, cyclists and riders on our roads.

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If you'd like to suggest a location for a new traffic sign...

What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming relates to physical features on roads used to reduce traffic speeds. It can take the form of humps, cushions, build-outs or chicanes.

Who sets speed limits?

We consult the police and local community before introducing speed limits. The police are responsible for enforcing them.

Where can I find out more about safety cameras or speed cameras?

Take a look at the Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia website.

How are locations for pedestrian crossings selected?

Pedestrian crossings aim to improve pedestrian safety and access. Their locations are chosen after consultation with the local community. They tend to be installed as the result of surveys which count the number of cars using the road, and the number of people trying to cross at a specific point.

Who deals with traffic signals?

Our traffic management engineers deal with signs and road markings for new projects. Find out more about this in the traffic signals section.

How can I get a tourist sign put up?

Tourism signs help the public to find tourist attractions and some businesses. Find our more about our policy on tourism signing, and an application form, on our fees and applications page.

Who looks after street furniture?

For all 'street furniture' enquiries, including seating in public places, flower beds, flower baskets and litter bins, take a look at our street care and cleaning pages.

What are structural and environmental weight limits?

In order to control the movement of lorries through the county a number of restrictions have been, and will continue to be, introduced. Structural weight limits are brought in when the condition of a bridge or road is inadequate to take the weight of lorries and their loads. Restrictions are normally set at 7.5 tonnes.

Environmental weight limits and lorry bans are introduced in close consultation with local communities and road haulage groups. These aim to improve the quality of life for communities by reducing the intrusion of lorries into residential areas.

What are disabled drivers' parking bays and how do I apply for one?

If you're disabled, have a blue badge and don't have a driveway, garage or off-street parking place, you can apply to have a parking bay marked on the highway outside your home. 

Disabled bays are only advisory, and other drivers may still use them if they wish. We make a non-refundable charge of £75 for consideration of each request, and a further charge of £200 if your application is successful. For further details on the charges we make, take a look at the fees and applications page. (Application forms are attached to the applications page or you can call 0345 678 9006 to ask for the form to be sent to you by post).

Can I stop vehicles from parking and blocking my access?

You may request an 'H-bar' marking outside your property. These markings indicate to drivers that they shouldn't park. They're only advisory however. We make a non-refundable charge of £75 for consideration of each request, and a further charge of £255 if your application is successful. For further details on the charges we make, take a look at the fees and applications page.

How can I suggest locations for new traffic signs or road markings?

Please contact us: