Elective home education
Elective Home Education (EHE)
All children of compulsory school age have a right to an education. However, this does not have to take place in a school.
Elective home education (EHE) is the term used by the Department for Education (DfE) when parents decide to provide education for their children at home instead of sending them to school.
Our named officer for EHE is Adriana Coupe (interim), she can be contacted at adriana.coupe@shropshire.gov.uk or 07990 085492
Further information
At the request of our families a range of supporting information has been produced by our team in the Education Access Service. These can be found in the ‘Related Documents’ section on this page.
These include Frequently Asked Questions as well as a list of resources and websites that are optional and we hope you will find them helpful.
Before making the decision to electively home educate, families are encouraged to seek advice and early support from the Early Help and Support Team.
Please feel able to contact eas@shropshire.gov.uk. for any additional information.
Keeping children safe
It is everybody’s responsibility to keep children safe and promote their welfare.
Where there are any safeguarding or child protection concerns about a child or young person, the school/setting must inform the local authority of these before they remove the child’s name from the admission register. This is to enable the local authority to explore the concerns raised and identify whether removing the child from the school roll is in their best interests.
Shropshire’s approach for Children on a Child Protection Plan is to provide extra support and scrutiny. When a supportive education plan is being considered as part of the child protection plan, a child’s personalised needs will be taken into account. However, the expectation will be for the child to remain on the roll of their current school or to return to their previous school.