Shropshire Youth About our service

LA responsibility

The government states that all young people aged 16-18 should be in some form of education, employment or training. This is part of the Raising Participation Age initiative. It is the duty of the local authority to ensure that this is the case, and to support those who are struggling to access provision.

Whilst at school, impartial careers information, advice and guidance should be made available to pupils and must be delivered by a level 6 qualified, registered careers adviser. Once a young person has left school, it then becomes the responsibility of the local authority to provide the same offer to all year 12 and year 13 young people i.e. for 16-18 year olds, throughout Shropshire. This role is carried out by the council's IAG NEETs team.

If your son, daughter or the person you're caring for is struggling to decide what they want to do, or would like some advice or guidance related to education, training or work, please contact us in the first instance to discuss their options. We'll be able to provide support or signpost them to a service which can help.

All qualified careers advisers will be registered with the Careers Development Institute as a Registered Professional. This ensures that they are impartial, independent, work within the professional code of conduct and participate in regular training, ensuring that they keep up to date with current practices and labour market information.

IAG service offer

The Information, Advice and Guidance team work with 16-18 year olds who find themselves not in education, employment or training and are unsure as to what to do next. They are a long established team of trained, qualified and registered careers advisers and support workers.

The team can offer impartial careers information, advice and guidance about all post-16 options available in their area, including education and training offered in small, friendly settings, and advice around employment options.

Advice can be offered flexibly to suit the young person by telephone, video calls, face to face at local venues or in their own home. Advice and support can be offered to young people directly or to parents/carers initially. Parent/carers or young people should contact the service to discuss their needs and explore options that suit them. 

What is IAG?


  • Provision of resources about courses, occupations and career paths


  • In-depth explanation of information and how to access and use it to make decisions


  • A deeper intervention exploring individuals' skills, attributes, interest and barriers