Report graffiti online
Please provide as much information about the location where you have seen graffiti.
What is graffiti?
Graffiti refers to words, drawings, scribbles or messages that are written, painted, sprayed, scratched or carved on the surface of any property, building, street furniture or monument.
Why is graffiti a problem?
It makes an area look untidy, may cover important notices, and can be very costly to remove. It also tends to attract more graffiti.
Will we remove all graffiti?
We're responsible for removing graffiti from public buildings and council property. If the graffiti is offensive and is on private property, we may consider arranging for it to be removed more promptly, and recharge the relevant landowner.
I've noticed some graffiti - how can I get it removed?
You can report the graffiti online by selecting the "report graffiti" button, or phone 0345 678 9006. Please make sure to give further information such as the road name, location, town name, surface it's on, and whether it's racist or overtly offensive. Even if the graffiti is on private property we may be able to contact the property owner and ask them to remove it.
When are notices issued?
Environmental crime reports or fixed penalty notices will be issued when there is sufficient evidence to do so.