Street care and cleaning Structural replacement programme
Why are the lighting columns in my area being replaced?
Lighting columns can be replaced for a number of reasons, for example, due to vehicle damage, or changes to the geometry of the road. We also carry out an annual structural replacement programme, to replace columns reaching the end of their lives.
Why are the streetlights in different positions to the old ones?
The spacing of the old columns generally doesn't meet the requirements of the current British Standard. Current standards require uniform levels of lighting along the carriageway, and to achieve these levels a small increase in the number of columns is generally required.
Is there a policy covering where lighting columns are located?
There are many factors to be taken into account when determining where lighting columns should be situated. Lighting schemes are designed to the current European/British Standards, which take into account physical features such as road widths and bends. The class of road and volume of night-time traffic also have a direct bearing on the design, as does the location of electricity cables, from where we take the power.
Once a scheme has been designed and installed, there's only limited scope for altering the spacing between lighting columns. We aim to position columns sensitively, but sometimes the geometry of the road makes this difficult. If you feel that the position of a new street light will cause you problems, we'll investigate, but we can't guarantee to find a solution.
Lighting columns are normally sited at the back of footways or in verges. This minimises obstruction of the footway and damage to columns caused by vehicles.
Why is there a delay between putting up new street lights and taking out old ones?
We have to rely on the electricity companies to connect the new columns to the electricity supply and disconnect the old ones. The timescales involved mean that once the new columns have been erected, it may take some time to get the new lights working and the old ones taken away.
Why is there an excavation hole adjacent to the new street lighting column?
Once the column has been erected, the electricity company will then excavate between the column and their supply cable so that they can make the connection between the two.
They may leave the hole open awaiting their jointing team, or, if that work has been undertaken, their reinstatement team. Once the electricity company have completed their work the hole will be reinstated to existing ground level.
How do I get more information about the works?
Please contact our Customer Services team on 0345 678 9006.