Road safety

The Sustainable Travel team aims to promote road safety to all road users. Below is some advice and facts about road safety.

Vehicle checks

Is your vehicle safely equipped to drive? Find out more from National Highways TRIP campaign.

Country roads

The facts:

  • On average, three people die each day on country roads
  • 60% of all fatalities in Great Britain occurred on rural roads in 2018
  • The number of people killed on rural roads was more than 10 times higher than on motorways in Great Britain in 2017
  • 10,729 people were killed or seriously injured in accidents reported to the police on rural roads in Great Britain in 2017

The RAC provides guidance on how to drive safely on country roads.

Mobile phones

It's illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone or similar device while driving. The penalty is £200 and six penalty points. This applies even if you’re stopped at traffic lights or queuing in traffic.

If you get just six points in the first two years after passing your test, you'll lose your licence.

Child car seats

Children must normally use a child car seat until they’re 12 years old or 135 centimetres tall, whichever comes first.

Children over 12 or more than 135cm tall must wear a seat belt.

You can choose a child car seat based on your child’s height or weight.

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