Road safety for 16–18-year-olds: Greenlight Shropshire workshop

Our Sustainable Travel Team and West Mercia Police’s Road Safety Team have partnered to develop a new young driver and passenger safety digital workshop which will be offered for free to all sixth forms, colleges, and schools across the county. 

For over ten years West Mercia Police have delivered the ‘Greenlight’ young driver and passenger road safety education workshop to sixth form and college students in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. Now, for the first time, it's being offered to students in Shropshire following a relaunch of road safety education delivery.

Greenlight Logo

The workshop focuses on four young people’s perspectives on the collision they're all involved in, and the potential choices they could have made to prevent it. Content is based around the ‘fatal four’ causation factors (speed, drink/drug driving, mobile phones, and seatbelts), as well as other issues such as inexperience and passenger responsibility. New content has been added factoring in the safe and appropriate use of new technologies in vehicles, advice on driving safely in adverse weather, and general safety advice appropriate to the rural context of Shropshire. 

A member of the Sustainable Travel Team presents the digital workshop alongside a roads policing officer from West Mercia Police. The officer discusses the legal responsibilities on drivers and riders as well as their own story of policing the roads, attending collision scenes, and acting as family liaison officer. 

Behaviour change techniques are employed to provide students with the essential safety skills to use when starting to drive or ride, or when they're travelling as a passenger with friends who have passed their driving test.  

If you'd like to show this film to year 11, 12 or 13 students in your school or college, please contact