Road safety for primary schools - Our Journey

Our Journey is our brand-new active travel and road safety education programme for primary school pupils aged 4 to 11 years old.

A suite of digital video lessons and accompanying resources tailored to specific year groups will guide pupils on a graduated behaviour change programme throughout their time at primary school, with the aim of encouraging them to make safer and more active journeys. Students will be taught essential safety skills through a mix of storytelling, featuring student-designed characters, instructor presentations and teacher-led activities.

The digital video lessons will allow teachers greater flexibility to deliver the programme at an appropriate time around existing curricular priorities. 

Our Journey Logo

Reception and year 1  

The first lesson focuses on teaching students the basic road safety code (walk, think, stop, look, listen) and holding hands, with their grown-up message through the new ‘Tom and Mary’s Journey to School’ story. Teachers will lead an interactive session after encouraging students to learn the code through games. 

Year 2 and 3 

Film in development – available from Spring 2025. 

Year 4 and 5 

Film in development – available from Spring 2025. 

Year 6 

Our year six workshop focuses on the transition to secondary school, and provides key safety advice to students on the new journeys they may make. Teachers will lead an exercise to help students plan a journey.