Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Since 2001, Shropshire’s Fire and Rescue Service has been carrying out home fire safety visits with families as part of its ‘Putting Shropshire’s Safety First’ pledge. The purpose of the visit is to ensure that parents are aware of potential hazards within the home and can therefore take appropriate actions. The visit is not to judge lifestyle but to keep children, young people and families safe from fire. During the visit fire officers will talk about the main causes of fire in the home, test smoke alarms, discuss points to consider when making a home fire escape plan and give advice on the action to be taken in the event of a fire. Any advice given will be tailored to meet the specific needs of families of children with SEND, for example if there is a child or young person within the household who has a sensory impairment, a particular physical disability or who relies on specialist equipment this will be considered. Fire safety information is available in a variety of formats, including pictorial and large print.

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service also delivers youth education programmes to children and young people in schools. These can be adapted to meet the additional needs of individual children and young people with SEND to help them understand risks and learn about fire prevention.

The Fire Prevention Team can be contacted on 01743 260 260 or

Further information about home fire safety visits can be found on the Shropshire fire and rescue service website, as well as information about the youth education programmes.