Preferred providers

‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential’.

In Shropshire, we recognise that ‘high quality teaching’ is key to all children’s learning and development and forms the basis for any additional or different provision for children with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND).

We know that high quality early education is ‘inclusive education’ which places emphasis on identifying and meeting the individual learning needs of all young children using a person-centred approach.

It's often the experience of those who work in early years settings that young children are included as a first option. Many settings would argue that supporting children with learning difficulties is as much about attitude as it is about practicalities.

‘There is nothing that cannot be overcome if we work together’.

In Shropshire, we've developed a preferred provider list of settings that have demonstrated a commitment to ongoing training and support, who aim to provide a high quality education for children at pre-school level who have complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who have an education, health and care plan (EHCP), or who are likely to require an EHCP in the future.

  • These providers are recognised by Ofsted as being either good or outstanding
  • They commit to attend regular meetings to network and share best practice
  • They demonstrate a willingness to work with families and appropriate agencies and professionals to follow the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ process achieving best outcomes for children. This approach is often referred to as a person-centred approach

The list includes those settings who have agreed to attend training, receive support, commit to full inclusion and share good practice with others. Each are on their own individual journey to raise standards for our vulnerable children.

As a parent, it's your choice which setting your child attends – you know them best. Look around, ask questions, get to know the staff, feel confident in your choice.

If you'd like to request a copy of the preferred providers list, please contact Sue Carroll, SEN early years lead, on 01743 254242.