Cornerstone Outreach Service

Cornerstone Outreach Service is offered by the YES Trust and provides specialist support and advice to mainstream primary and secondary schools in Shropshire. The service aims to advise, support and offer a range of training opportunities on interventions and strategies to help support children and young people with social, emotional and mental health needs.

They observe pupils in their setting and offer a bespoke service to support and advise on staff strategies, devise an initial support programme, evaluate and establish next steps and produce a report containing suggested strategies. They also provide opportunities for staff to spend time in a special school for CPD.

Shropshire schools can complete a referral form outlining the reason for the request, and outreach workers will review the form and make contact. For individual pupil support, there's a maximum of two visits initially, working alongside the pupil, TA and teacher in the classroom. A record of strategies will be provided for the school. Initially, each school will be allocated two referrals.

If you're a parent and have concerns about your child, you should approach the behaviour lead, SENCO, or form tutor at your child’s school about making a referral to Cornerstone Outreach.

If you'd like further details and information about Outreach services and support, please email: