EHCP Team contact details
- EHCP Team email address:
- EHCP Team phone number: 01743 254267 (Mon-Thurs 8.45am-5pm, Fri 8.45am-4pm)
- EHCP Team postal address: EHCP Team, Shropshire Council, PO Box 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ
What are the EHCP Team responsible for?
The EHCP Team (previously known as the SEN Team) is responsible for delivering the statutory duties of Shropshire Council relating to special educational needs and/or disability for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
The EHCP Team works collaboratively with colleagues across education, health and social care, parent, carers and young people and with the voluntary sector to improve the outcomes for Shropshire children and young people with SEND.
Roles of the team include:
- Processing new requests for education, health and care needs assessments
- Requesting advice for education, health and care needs assessments
- Reviewing the advice received to determined in an education, health and care plan is required
- Writing and issuing education, health and care plans
- Consulting with education settings for placement
- Reviewing, amending and ceasing education health and care plans
Once a child or young person has an EHCP, the EHCP Team will continue to be involved with the maintenance of it until it ceases, or the young person becomes 25.
Who is in the EHCP Team?
The EHCP Team Manager is Annie Williams. The team consists of four Senior Case Officers and twelve Case Officers. We have an additional Annual Review Recovery Team (AART) with a Senior Case Officer and three Case Officers. We also have a Tribunals Officer, Roger Wardle.
EYFS to end of Key Stage 1 (Birth - end of Year 2)
- Role
Senior Case Officer
- Name
Claire Fellowes
- Role
SEND Early Intervention Officer
- Name
Judith Pilkington
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Abi Pemberton
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Jo Phillips
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Samantha Cain
Currently on maternity leave
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6)
- Role
Senior Case Officer
- Name
Helen Petrie
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Amber Hughes
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Autumn Cass
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Key Stage 3 to end of Year 10 (Years 7 - 10)
- Role
Senior Case Officer
- Name
Gaynor Styles
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Charlie Vaughan
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Year 11 to age 25
- Role
- Senior Case Officer
- Name
Keith Melville
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Aimee Hearn
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Kelsie Wall
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Annual Review Recovery Team (ARRT)
- Role
Senior Case Officer
- Name
- Steve Teagle
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Camilla Velarde
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Gina Nel
- Role
Case Officer
- Name
Hayley Matthews
Who is the Case Officer for a particular child?
To find out who the Case Officer is for a particular child please take a look at the Case Officer allocations list. If you any help please contact
You can contact a Case Officer by phone or email. Please be aware that Case Officers spend a considerable proportion of their working week in meetings, so they are not always available to speak to schools and parent carers immediately. We understand how frustrating it can be if you can’t speak to your Case Officer when you call due to them being unavailable because of meetings and other commitments/priorities. Please be patient and allow 5 working days for us to reply to your email or return your phone call before contacting us again, we will do our best to respond as soon as we can.
Shropshire SEND Local Offer
The SEND local offer is a single place for information, services, and resources for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities, their families, and the practitioners who support them.
- SEND Local Offer email address:
- SEND Local Offer phone number: 0345 678 9063
- SEND Local Offer website:
- SEND Local Offer Facebook