SEN acronyms

Have you ever attended a meeting with a special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) or an educational psychologist (EP) to talk about your child’s special educational needs & / or disabilities (SEND) and not understood what was going on because everyone was using abbreviations? The SEN process can be full of abbreviations and acronyms which can make it difficult to understand. To help, we've compiled a list of some of the most common SEN abbreviations.

ABA - Applied behavioural analysis
ADD - Attention deficit disorder
ADOS - Autism diagnostic observation schedule
ADHD - Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
AP – Alternative provision
APD - Auditory processing disorder
APDR - Assessment, plan, do, review
AR - Annual review
AS - Asperger syndrome
ASC - Adult social care
ASC - Autistic spectrum condition
ASD - Autistic spectrum disorder
AWM - Autism West Midlands
BAS - British ability scales
BESD - Behavioural, emotional and/or social difficulties
CAF - Common assessment framework
CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, now known as BEEU
CBT – Cognitive behavioural therapy
CDC - Child development centre
CIN - Child in need
CLA - Child looked after
CME – Child missing education
CoP - Code of practice
CP - Child protection
CPM - Costed provision map
CYP - Children and young people
DD - Disability discrimination
DfE - The Department of Education
DSR – Dynamic support register
EAL - English as an additional language
EHE – Elective home education
EOTAS – Educated other than at school
EYFS - Early years foundation atage
EHC - Education, health and care
EHCNA - Education, health and care needs assessment
EHCP - Education, health and care plan
EP - Educational psychologist
EPS - Educational Psychology Service 
EWO -  Education welfare officer
FAS - Foetal alcohol syndrome
FE - Further education
FSM - Free school meals
GSP - Graduated support plan
HE - Higher education
HV - Health visitor
HI - Hearing impairment
HLTA - Higher level teaching assistant
HWBB – Shropshire Health and Wellbeing Board
IASS - Independent Advice and Support Service
ICB – Integrated Care Board
ICP – Integrated Care Partnership
KS - Key stage
A - Local authority
LEA - Local educational authority
LAC - Looked-after child
LO - Local offer
LSA - Learning support assistant
MDT – Multi-disciplinary team
MH – Mental health
MLD - Moderate learning difficulties
MPFT – Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
ND - Neurodiversity
NTAS – National Training and Advisory Service
OCD - Obsessive compulsory disorder
ODD - Oppositional defiant disorder
OT - Occupational therapy / occupational therapist
PACC – Parent & Carer Council
PB – Personal budget
PD - Physical disability
PDA - Pathological demand avoidance
PFA - Preparing for adulthood
PMLD - Profound and multiple learning difficulties
PP - Pupil Premium
PRU - Pupil referral unit 
SALT - Speech and language therapy
SC - Social care
SEMH – Social emotional and mental health
SEN - Special educational needs
SEND - Special educational needs and / or disability
SENDIST - Special educational needs and disability tribunal 
SENCO - Special educational needs co-ordinator 
SI - Sensory impairment
SI – Supported internship
SIS - Sensory Inclusion Service
SLCN - Speech language and communication needs
SLD - Severe learning difficulties
SOAP – Shropshire ordinary available provision
SpLD - Specific learning difficulties
SSLIC - Severe Speech and Language Impaired Children's Team
SLT - Speech and language therapy / therapist
SSW - Senior social worker
SW - Social worker
TA - Teaching assistant
TAC - Team Around the Child
TAF - Team Around the Family
TMBSS - Tuition, Medical, Behaviour Support Service
VI - Visual impairment (loss of sight)
YP - Young people / young person