SEND and Alternative Provision Change Programme September update

Find out more about the national change programme and how Shropshire are involved.

News item published 25 September 2024 5.40pm



The SEND and Alternative Provision (SENDAP) Change Programme is a national programme designed to test a number of policy changes to systems and processes for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those accessing Alternative Provision (AP).

For our region, the Change Programme Partnership consists of Shropshire Council, Telford and Wrekin Council, NHS Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS), Herefordshire and Worcestershire Councils and Hereford and Worcestershire ICS, with Telford and Wrekin Council being the named lead local authority.

Update – September 2024

The SENDAP Change Programme is advancing plans to enhance SEND and Alternative Provision in Shropshire. There have been many aspects of the programme tested since July 2024. The following key updates will give a brief insight into work so far:

Local Area Inclusion Plan (LAIP):

  • The LAIP has been drafted using the new national template, this summarises SEND and AP across Shropshire.
  • The LAIP has been presented to the SENDAP Partnership Board in draft format and is awaiting sign-off in November 2024.

Alternative Provision (AP):

  • A 3-tier model for AP and mainstream settings to identify needs early and reduce exclusions. The aim to support educational settings to greater meet the needs of Children and Young People.
  • An Alternative Provision Implementation Plan (APIP) is now in place and is supported by DfE funding to develop the processes needed to support our CYP.

Multi Agency Panels:

  • There has been an aim to improve processes and raise parent/ carer confidence in SEN support and EHCP processes. There is also an aim to ensure Parent Carer Forums have the opportunity to observe panel to support with future improvements.
  • The panel has been observed by an external body (REACh) and positive feedback was received.

ELSEC (Early Language Support for Every Child):

  • This will supports pilot education settings with flexible workforce for Speech, Language, and Communication Needs enabling CYP to get access to support from specialists. There are currently 10 Shropshire schools engaged with the programme which was launched on 16th September 2024.
  • There has been additional staffing recruited to this area to support the processes.

EHCP Standardisation:

  • We have now tested 80 new, standardised EHCP templates, which aim to improve consistency and quality of EHCPs.
  • Feedback sessions with settings and parent carers will be planned for Autumn term 2024 to gain valuable views on the template tested.

National Standards and Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP):

  • This sets clear national expectations for identifying and supporting special educational needs within mainstream schools. Schools with the Shropshire’s Ordinarily Available Provision (SOAP) document to help with implementation of inclusive practice.
  • 3 staff have been appointed to posts September 2024 to help educational settings implement the inclusive practice principles.

Contact Information:

Julie Johnson, Shropshire SENDAP Senior Lead:

Shropshire PACC: Sarah Thomas:, Zara Bowden:

For feedback or questions about the Change Programme, please reach out.