Special Educational Needs and Disability experience survey

We are interested in whether your experiences of SEND services over the last six months.

News item published 11 September 2024 1:55pm



We're asking parent carers to tell us about their experiences of using Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services over the last six months so we can monitor the impact of the actions we are taking to improve the support available.

To help inform our plan, we first put out this survey in summer 2023 and again in the spring of 2024. The results and actions taken following the surveys can be found on the SEND local offer pages. 

We are interested in whether your experiences of SEND services over the last six months met your individual or family needs, and whether you are aware of the full range of support available in relation to neurodiversity, speech, language and communication needs and Education, Health and Care Plans.

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey.  Your responses are anonymous, and we are not able to link them to you.  Your feedback will only be used to help improve our services, and not for any other purpose.

Have your say

Deadline is 29 September 2024.