Update on the re-commissioning of the SEND Shropshire Information Advice & Support Service (IASS)

You can now view the results of the recent survey.

News item published 9 November 2023 2:40pm



Citizens Advice Shropshire currently provide the Shropshire SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) on behalf of Shropshire Council and NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.

This is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people that are aged between 0 – 25 years and their parent carers, living in Shropshire.

In the last newsletter we explained that the current contract was coming to an end on 31st August 2024 and invited you to take part in a survey where we wanted to get feedback from those that had used the service as well as those that hadn’t.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that took part in the survey and were very pleased with receiving 134 responses.  A summary of the results can be found in the SEND IASS Summary of Re-commissioning Review Survey Report.

What will happen next;

  • We need to take time to fully review the feedback and identify areas for improvement now and in relation to the new service in September 2024.  
  • We will review all data and information available so we understand and can plan for what may be needed from September and for the future.
  • We will consider the possible options available for delivery of the future service which will include weighing up the risks and benefits of each one.  This is so we reach a decision that provides the best possible outcomes and experience for those that use the service and that also provides value for money.  Examples of the type of options we may consider are – a formal competitive tender exercise  (where bids will be invited from interested providers to deliver the service), exploring any opportunities to jointly commission the service with other councils and the option to bring the service in-house to be delivered by Shropshire Council. 
  • We will continue to keep you informed of our progress.
  • We will continue to work closely with the current provider and Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC).