How to notify us of a child or young person with SEN or a disability

Notification form

Please read the information on this page before beginning to complete your notification.

Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts must formally notify us if they identify a child/young person under compulsory school age who they think has or probably has SEN or a disability (Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014).

What do I need to include with my notification?

If you're a professional who'd like to bring a child with suspected SEN to our attention, please attach the consent form with your notification. You may wish to also submit either/both the one-page profile and any professional educational reports with your notification, as they may aid us in any subsequent assessment process in the future.

  • Consent form (this must be submitted with the notification)
  • One-page profile
  • Any professional educational reports you feel may be of use to any subsequent assessment

Where do I send my notification?

Once you've completed your notification email it, together with the above paperwork, to:

If you need to discuss your notification or have any queries, contact us using the details on our 'Who should I contact?' page.

What happens next?

The notification and attachments will be sent through to the SEN team securely. A panel will decide, based on the information provided in the notification, whether a statutory assessment should be undertaken. If the statutory assessment does go ahead, the child/young person and family will be assigned an assessment coordinator who will coordinate the assessment process, and provide advice to support the family during this assessment period. If the outcome of an assessment is an EHCP, this plan will be completed and issued within 20 weeks of the date the SEN Team received the request for assessment.

For a more detailed breakdown of the process please see pages 10-15 of the guidance and criteria document (Draft EHC Process Map section).