
The following resources are available for all practitioners in Shropshire settings to help them support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

Autism Education Trust - Transition Toolkit

The Transition Toolkit 'Helping you support a child through change' from Autism Education Trust is a summary of the common issues surrounding transition for young people on the autism spectrum, as well as a guide to the considerations that should be taken by those supporting them. It offers some practical strategies to support transition periods as well as provide a list of useful links to other organisations and support materials.

Transition isn't just about major changes that occur in phases throughout life. There are many transitions that occur during a typical day. For example, from one task to another; moving from one room to another; from home to school/ college; inside to outside; class time to break time. As life moves from babyhood to childhood to adolescence to adulthood, so are there many transitions: from home to nursery, to school, to secondary school, to college, to life beyond. Many people find changes difficult, even more so those on the autism spectrum.

SEN Team - Shropshire provision for SEND: a guide for mainstream schools

A guidance booklet for ALL school practitioners working with children and young people.