Supported internships
What is a supported internship?
Supported internships are structured work-based learning study programmes that enable young people aged 16 plus with an education health and care plan (EHCP) to have equal access to work opportunities as their peers, and to live their best lives.
Programmes can range from three days to five days per week, and is usually for an academic year, but can be less. They're similar to an apprenticeship, but interns receive a higher level of support and aren't usually paid by the employer.
Where are they being offered?
Internship programmes are offered by a variety of colleges and sixth form schools in Shropshire. Please discuss with your college or sixth form school.
What support is provided on a supported internship?
- A learner will spend at least 70% of their time at an employer base and 30% at the college being supported with employability skills
- A learner will be supported by a qualified job coach, with support reducing as a young person gains the skills and confidence in the workplace
- Travel training can be provided if assessed as a need
The aims and outcomes of a supported internship
- For the young person to gain the skills for employment and transition into paid employment after their internship (including apprenticeships)
- Build confidence and the skills that employers require
- Enable young people to become financially independent
- Increase participation within an intern's local community, build work relationships and access social opportunities
- Completion of a supported internship should lead to the skills for employment and completion of an intern's further education. An education health and care plan (EHCP) is expected to end following the successful completion of the supported internship
Useful information for employers
Guide to employers looking to start offering supported Internships (NDTi)
Supported internships (SIs) offer valuable opportunities for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as they transition from education to the workplace. SIs also benefit employers by bringing fresh perspectives, fostering diversity, and enhancing workplace inclusivity.
An Employers' Guide to Starting Supported Internships - NDTi
Employment ‘How To’ Guide (NDTi)
The 'employment how to guide' aims to provide information for staff and HR colleagues so that they are aware of the range of pathways available for people to access employment. The topics covered in this guide are raised frequently by employers.
Guide to recruiting individuals with learning disabilities into the workplace (NDTi)
Recruiting and employing people with a learning disability will be a new experience. This short guide will outline effective practice in recruiting someone with a learning disability to be an active and valued member of the workforce. Working with a good supported employment agency will help employers navigate the process and provide support and practical guidance along the way.
- Information about supported internships can be found on our main supported internships page
- Mencap offers some useful advice on the benefits of hiring someone with a learning disability in your workplace
- Further resources can be found on the NDTi website