James's story
The following was written by James's personal assistant.
James left school at 19 years old. He attended a specialist school and, during his sixth form years, followed a curriculum designed to develop independent living skills. At school, James enjoyed swimming, singing, sensory activities and animal care. In James’s final year at school, he began visiting the local day opportunities that could offer him support once he completed his education.
James now attends two different day opportunities during the week, giving him access to the range of activities he enjoys. James goes swimming, is focusing on independence skills such as cooking and self-care, is continuing to develop skills in animal care and visits local community activities including his local choir. James has independence-focused short breaks where he's getting used to spending time away from home and is learning new skills. In the future, James would like to live with friends his own age but is happy at home for now.
James and his family met with his Preparing for Adulthood worker when he was 16, and began to talk about what James is good at, how he can use these skills in adult life and where he may need some support. Unfortunately, because of James’s mother’s health needs, she was aware that she wouldn't be able to continue to offer the physical care and support James needs indefinitely.
We began to explore James’s options, and two other young men were identified who James might have liked to share a home with. James and his family met with the other young men and found they got on well and liked similar things. The Preparing for Adulthood workers for each of the young men worked together to find a home that would be comfortable and practical for all the young men, allowing them to get out to their daily activities, and be within easy reach of their families. James now lives with his friends and a support team. James regularly invites his family to visit him at home, and also goes to visit his mum every Sunday for lunch!