Assessments and eligibility

In order to understand if a young adult has care and support needs under The Care Act, we'll need some information about them. This information will come from conversations with your young person, their family or carers, and any other people or services who can make a valuable contribution, for example a school or college, children’s social worker or a care provider.

We offer ‘transition assessments’ to young people prior to their 18th birthday to establish whether they have eligible needs, to plan for support once they're 18 and to signpost to other services where appropriate.

Factsheet 6 - Care Act Assessment provides further details about The Care Act and information about eligibility for support.

A referral can be made by the young person themselves, or anyone who has consent and relevant information to make the referral. If a young person is supported by children’s social care, their social worker will make a referral to the Preparing for Adulthood Team if required.

If you'd like to make a referral, please contact Shropshire First Point of Contact on 0345 678 9044.