Personal travel budget (PTB)

Once it's agreed that a child or young person is eligible for travel assistance, it may be possible for us to provide parents/carers with an amount of money to enable them to provide personalised travel arrangements that best and most flexibly meets the needs of their child and family. The sum provided will be based on the current contractor and associated seat cost, on a route that's able to meet the needs of the pupil. 

It won't exceed the cost of direct provision of transport by the council. It's the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that travel arrangements made by them are safe and accessible, and that school attendance is maintained. A PTB can be refused or withdrawn if these conditions aren't met.

This option may be of interest if: 

  • The parent/carer wants to take their child to school but needs support to make it financially viable 
  • The child or young person has very complex needs and the parent/carer wants to make their own travel arrangements, and/or the council may be unable to safely meet the complex needs of the child
  • The parent/carer wants to combine the council’s contribution with their own personal finances to provide the child or young person with bespoke travel assistance to meet their needs, and fit in with family circumstances

If a parent/carer is offered this form of travel assistance, it's their responsibility to ensure travel arrangements for the child or young person to: 

  • Enable them to travel safely
  • Enable them to attend school regularly and on time; and 
  • Enable them to be effectively educated once they arrive at school