About us
To provide the best dedicated care, support and experience, to enrich everyday lives, and to allow people to live their best life.
Avalon Day Opportunities is located within close proximity of Oswestry town centre. The premises are a single-storey, open-plan building with its own private garden. As well as working on site we run a number of community projects.
28 service users attend Avalon for their day service on a full- or part-time basis. Many of the service users have profound and multiple disabilities and Avalon provides pleasant, relaxing, yet stimulating environment for them.
The activities available for the service users are both within the community and on-site at Avalon. The program is informal and regularly changing. However, the ethos is personalised towards each individual. Service users are assisted and supported to plan and be fully involved in all choices and decisions affecting them.
The following are examples of the varied activities available:
- Design and technology
- Social groups
- Community access activities, eg cinema and canal trips
- Walking group
- Further educational skills - numeracy and literacy
- Cooking/healthy eating
- Chat group
- Games sessions indoors/outdoors
- Exercise groups
- Karaoke
- Sensory and multi-sensory sessions
- Bingo
- News/reading sessions
- Photography group
- IT skills and digital technology/film making internet safety
- Community projects
- Gardening group on site and in the community
- Retail experience within the centre and in conjunction with the community projects
- Woodworking sessions
- Relationships group
- Road safety/travel training
The service users who attend Avalon are encouraged to be mutually supportive of each other and also to be as independent as possible, including being involved in their own self advocacy. Service users fully participate in the day-to-day running of Avalon, regularly meeting together to plan future events.
The staff team at Avalon are highly experienced in all areas of adult learning, disability care and meeting the health and social care demands required daily. The staff aim is to be approachable and to regularly liaise with parents and carers.
Avalon provides a happy relaxed environment for the service users, and visitors are always welcome.

Contact Avalon
Victoria Road, Oswestry. SY11 2JE