What is a carers' assessment?

A carer's assessment is an opportunity for you to speak to someone about your caring role and how it affects your life. It's not a test to see how well you're caring, but a conversation to see whether there's any support to help you. It’s a chance to think about the difference caring is making to your life, what support you already have and what you may need in the future. 

The assessment will look at how providing necessary care and support has an effect on you, and:

  • Whether you're able and willing to carry on caring
  • Whether you're currently working or want to work in future
  • Whether you want to study or socialise more
  • What can you do to remain well

Carers are eligible for funded support in their own right. The national eligibility threshold for carers is also set out in the Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2014. The threshold is based on the carer's needs which arise as a consequence of providing necessary care to an adult, and on whether they're able to achieve specific outcomes, and as a consequence of the two whether there is or will be significant impact on their wellbeing.

What can carers expect from a carer assessment?

  • A frank and open conversation, without judgement, with a social care practitioner (SCP) on the impact caring is having on your life, and the support, information and advice you may need to assist you in maintaining your own health and wellbeing
  • Following the conversation you'll be connected to the Shropshire Carers Support Team, and possibly other organisations/statutory bodies who are better able to provide the information you require, or long-term support for you
  • Information will be given on activities in your local area that may be helpful or of interest to you
  • Information may be given on appropriate technology-enabled care, ie 'any form of technology that helps us with daily living as we get older or if we have a disability'
  • If appropriate, the social care practitioner may apply for a direct payment for you to meet identified needs that arise from providing necessary care in your caring role

What support is available for carers?

The Shropshire Carers support team provides ongoing support, information, and advice.

Shropshire Council Let’s Talk Local (LTL) Hub appointments

LTL hub appointments provide an opportunity for you to have a discussion with a social care practitioner (SCP), to chat about your caring role and to find support to maintain your wellbeing.

For those who are unable to attend an LTL hub a phone appointment with an SCP can be arranged for a pre-agreed time.

Is there a cost?

There's no cost for a carers assessment. Following the assessment, if a carer is eligible for funded support in their own right, they may be offered a carers direct payment award. This is only accessible from a carers assessment, which is separate from the assessment of the person cared for.

More information on the national eligibility threshold for carers can be found in the Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2014. You can find out more by attending a Let’s Talk Local session or by contacting our First Point of Contact (FPOC) service.