Michele Lee

Role: hospital carer support practitioner

Hello I’m Michèle!

I've worked for Shropshire Council for 18 years now - my background is learning disability. I was also a carer for my late mother, and know how frustrating it can be to navigate through health and social care processes to get answers about the person you care for.

In my spare time I'm involved with various community activities and spend as much time with my children and grandchildren as I can. 

As a hospital carer support practitioner my role is to provide:

  • Discharge support
  • Relevant information
  • Emotional support
  • Signposting to other organisations who can support you
  • Face-to-face meetings and assessments
  • Links with the ward staff, therapists, or social work teams
  • Referrals to the Shropshire Carers Support Team for ongoing support
  • Emergency planning

Often unpaid and/or family carers begin their caring role for the first time after the person they care for has been taken into hospital.

Knowing who to talk to or where to begin looking for support can be very daunting and overwhelming. I'm available to chat at the hospital, over the phone or through a home visit.