Births, deaths and ceremonies Re-registrations
If you'd like to add your child's natural father's details to the registration, you can apply to re-register the birth. This involves completing a form and attending the register office with certain documents. The birth registration can then be updated. The process is free and new birth certificates can be ordered after your appointment.
Re-registration to add natural father's details
If your child's natural father's details were not added at the original registration, you can re-register to add these. You must complete Form 185 available from the register office or on GOV.UK website and then call us on 0345 678 9016 to book your appointment. Both parents must attend the appointment with the original birth certificate and appropriate ID. If there have been any court decisions made in relation to the child, the application may have to be referred to the General Register Office for approval.
Re-registration after marriage
If the child's natural father is named on the original birth certificate and the parents have now married, formed a civil partnership or the natural father is not named on the birth certificate, you can re-register the birth. This legitimates the birth and allows you to change the mother's and child's surnames, if desired. You must complete form LA1 found on the GOV.UK website and then call us on 0345 678 9016 to book your appointment. Only one parent must attend the appointment with the original birth certificate, original marriage certificate and appropriate ID. In certain circumstances, the applications may have to be referred to the General Register Office for approval.
Re-registering your child
Find more information about when you can re-register a birth and relevant application forms via the following links:
GOV.UK: re-register a birth following the marriage or civil partnership of natural parents
GOV.UK: re-register a birth to add the father’s details to a birth certificate
How much will it cost?
The re-registration process is free of charge.
New birth certificates at the time of the re-registration are £12.50 each.
Can I change my child's name when I re-register?
You cannot change the forenames of the child when you re-register. The surname can be changed providing the new surname is the same as one of the parents or a combination of the parents surnames.
You do not have to change the child's surname if you do not want to.
How can I change my child's forename?
A child's forename can only be changed on the birth certificate if the child:
- has been baptised with the new forenames within one year of the date of registration
- has not been baptised - the new forenames must have been used within one year of the registration
You may be asked to provide evidence of the name being used.