Births, deaths and ceremonies Citizenship ceremonies

What is a citizenship ceremony?

The aim of the citizenship ceremony is to enable applicants to gain a full understanding of the rights and responsibilities that come with the acquisition of British citizenship and also to ensure that they're properly welcomed into the community. It's intended to ensure that the acquisition of citizenship isn't a purely bureaucratic process.

Who are they for?

Anyone over the age of 18 who successfully applies to become a British citizen must take part in a citizenship ceremony.

Becoming a British Citizen

You can apply to become a British citizen on GOV.UK website. If you’re granted British citizenship, the Home Office will send you a letter or email to inform you of this.

They will send your naturalisation certificate to us. When we get this, we will contact you by email to you to offer you a ceremony date and to establish further details.

Who organises citizenship ceremonies?

We're responsible for organising ceremonies for successful applicants living in the county. 

What happens at the ceremony?

We hold a group citizenship ceremony every month. You may bring two guests with you. There is no charge for this. 

If you prefer, you can have a private ceremony, contact There is a charge for this service.

You'll need to bring to the ceremony:

  • The Home Office letter or email confirming your application has been approved.
  • Photo ID (such as passport, travel document or driving licence)

New citizens will be asked to either swear the oath or affirm the oath. If you decide to swear the oath you'll be swearing to God, while affirming the oath doesn't have any religious context. The choice is down to you and must be confirmed with us.

You'll also make a pledge to respect the rights, freedoms, and laws of the UK.

At the end of the ceremony, you’ll receive:

  • Your certificate of British citizenship
  • A welcome pack
  • Information about how to apply for your British passport.

Have you had your ceremony?

Tell us what you thought about it.