Births, deaths and ceremonies Naming ceremonies

What is a naming ceremony?

A naming ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the birth of your child or children or welcome a new child into your family. Shropshire Registration Service will work with you to create a non-religious ceremony that is personal and memorable to you and can include poems, readings and music. This ceremony enables you to express love, care and commitment to them in the presence of your family and friends. You can involve your guests with the making of promises to your child and their hopes for their future.

About the ceremony

The usual format for a naming ceremony is:

  • Opening words
  • Reading
  • Naming of the child
  • Parents' promises for the raising of their child
  • Chosen family or friends promises
  • Grandparents' promises
  • Signing of the record of ceremony
  • Presentation of the certificate (this will have no legal status) and closing words
Naming Ceremony
Celebration cake for ceremony

Where can the ceremony be held?

These can be held in the Guildhall and at Castle View in Oswestry Monday to Sunday. They can also take place at any approved venue in Shropshire.

Is a certificate issued?

A commemorative certificate will be presented as a memento of the occasion; these certificates have no legal standing.

How do you arrange a civil naming ceremony?

You should first contact the Shropshire Register Office on 0345 678 9016 or via email to discuss and arrange your ceremony requirements.

You'll be required to show your child or children's birth certificate at the time you make the booking. You'll also be required to pay a booking fee.

How much does a ceremony cost?

To find out about ceremony fees, take a look at our fees.

Have you had your ceremony?

Tell us how it went.