Children in Care Council (CiCC)


Children in Care Council logo

The Children in Care Council is a small group of young people currently being supported by Social Services and Virtual School. The aim of the group is to help make sure services and support for looked-after children work for children and young people. It overall provides a chance for children and young people to tell our Corporate Parenting Panel how Shropshire's service can be improved.

We have a charter for children that needs to be met with your help. We welcome feedback on the pledge we've made. We aim to support and empower you to participate and be involved in decisions which affect your life, to help make sure you have access to the services you need and the opportunity to say how services are delivered.

We want to know if you are:

  • Safe
  • Happy where you live
  • Able to stay in touch with friends and family
  • Healthy
  • Able to freely express your view
  • In touch with someone to talk to who you trust
  • Supported with your education
  • Learning skills and gaining knowledge and understanding, in preparation for independence

Shining Stars Children in Care Council Sub-Group 11 – 17 years (Activities)

  • Social group meetings
  • Days out/walks and picnics
  • Music/arts projects
  • Hive project – making a podcast 11-17 years (funded by Youth Music)
  • Peer support training
  • Being part of the children and young people’s interview panel for new staff
  • Participating in group discussions around subjects that affect you

If you would like to join our group, please either email or text 07990 085662.

For Leaving Care Group 18-25 years, please contact Tom Mosley, personal advisor: 01743 254590

For the Virtual School CiCC, please contact: Lindsay Armstrong 01743 253879