18+ and accommodation
Once you've reached the age of 18 you'll no longer be in care but will continue to be supported by the Leaving Care Team. There will be a range of options available to you depending on how ready you are to live independently.
In some cases, especially where you have been living in foster care, it may be possible for you to remain after your 18th birthday in a 'staying put' arrangement. This also includes being able to go back to this arrangement during holidays if you're attending university. This will be explained and discussed with you and your foster carer as part of your preparation for independence. This will be done well in advance of your 18th birthday to give you time to think about what's best for you.
Where you'll live will depend on what support you need. It may be possible for you to live independently in a flat or house or in accommodation with other young people. In the early stages of leaving care you might need extra help, so we can provide support and visit you on a regular basis, or find supported accommodation where staff are based on the same site. We also have a supported lodgings scheme which will help you to prepare for living independently.
Through our housing department, we'll make sure that an affordable tenancy in social housing or the private sector is available to you at the time which we agree is right for you. We'll help you to make it ready with a 'setting up home allowance', and can contribute to your costs by paying your council tax.