Looked-after children concerns and complaints
We know it's very difficult living away from your family, but talking about your worries and how you’re feeling is a good thing. If you’re not happy you should tell someone. This could be:
- Your carer
- Your social worker
- Another adult (maybe a teacher)
We'll try and make sure that the things you're unhappy about are put right.
If you can’t talk to any of the above people then you could talk to someone else called an advocate, someone who is there to ensure that you're happy and well cared for. Find out more about advocates.
Your rights
All children have rights, a list of important things that concern the way you're looked after.
You have a right to be:
- Treated with respect, whatever your age
- Treated fairly whatever your culture, age, disability, religion, gender or sexuality
- Listened to, with your wishes and feelings heard and considered when people are making plans about your future
- Able to enjoy and achieve attending school or college
- In good health
- Able to stay safe
- Able to make a positive contribution in decision making
- Able to complain if you're unhappy or concerned about something, like being bullied, abused, not listened to etc
- Able to have an independent visitor or advocate
- Able to see records held about you
Want to report a concern?
If you're concerned about either yourself or another child please contact one of the following:
- Childline: 0800 1111
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
- Voiceability: 0300 303 1660, helpline@voiceability.org, voiceability.org/make-a-referral
Need to make a complaint?
Don't be afraid to make a complaint. We'll take it seriously and help to put things right. There are a number of ways to make a complaint:
- Talk it though with your carer, social worker or contact their manager
- Use the complaints leaflet – ask your social worker for a young person's complaint leaflet which guides you through how to complain
- Ring or e-mail the complaints officer (Email: children&youngpeople@shropshire.gov.uk / Telephone: 01743 254307)
- Send a letter to: Customer Services Unit, Children and Young People's Services, Freepost, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6BR
If you want some help to make a complaint, or if you just want to have your say, you can contact either:
- Voiceability: 0300 303 1660, helpline@voiceability.org,
- Your family or a friend
- Your carers
- Your social worker