Shropshire Virtual School A guide for children with a social worker

From September 2021, virtual schools have become strategic leaders for the cohort of children who are, or have ever been, assessed as needing a social worker at any time due to safeguarding and/or welfare reasons, which includes all those subject to a child in need plan or a child protection plan. This includes children aged from 0 to 18 in all education settings. 

We champion children with a social worker (CWSW) and raise awareness of their needs, promoting good practice and raising aspirations for these learners by developing productive relationships to enhance their achievements and outcomes. 

Shropshire Virtual School can offer guidance and support. Please email or for more information.

How Shropshire Virtual School can help

Every child deserves the chance to fulfil their potential and achieve the best educational outcomes possible, whatever their background, whatever their path. However, adversity in childhood diminishes that chance, putting at a disadvantage those who have needed children’s social care to provide them with help and protection. They can therefore have similar adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to those children currently in care, and previously looked-after children.

We can:

  • Offer advice regarding your cohort of children with a social worker
  • Offer advice and signpost schools and educational settings to additional services, and ensure that you receive the support required to support your cohort of children with a social worker
  • Offer training opportunities to develop schools and educational settings understanding around attachment, trauma, restorative practice and emotion coaching

For further information, take a look at the Gov.UK website's promoting the education of children with a social worker and children in need review information.

A swift response

If a young person is struggling to succeed in education, get in touch with us as soon as possible. We can offer support and guidance. By picking up the phone early on to us we can work together, so that situations feel more manageable.


Shropshire Virtual School can deliver training for your school, for example to support attachment and trauma-informed practice. We have an annual training offer, which includes training for a variety of audiences such as schools/settings, social workers, carers and other multi-agency partners.