Shropshire Virtual School My good quality PEP (post-16)

The Shropshire post-16 PEP

My PEP is good quality if...

  • There's robust information and action to support my attendance, engagement and
  • My attainment and progress section is fully completed, including how on track I am for
    course completion
  • My social worker attended my meeting, their single page is completed and up to date
    (as the PEP is an integral part of my care plan)
  • My previous targets are reviewed
  • My new targets are SMART (including one academic target and one for my progression)
  • I participated in my PEP - or my views were sought in advance and information fed back
    to me
  • There's planning for any transitions I have ahead - including towards my next phase and
    towards independence
  • My PEP gives a robust picture of my needs and journey - and actions are clear

Please note that all of the above must apply for the PEP to be of good quality. However, some of the above indicators can be marked as 'N/A' on the PEP system if they're not relevant. For example, 'previous targets are reviewed' wouldn't be applicable for a child new into care.