Shropshire Virtual School Previously looked-after children (PLAC)
The virtual school will be able to offer advice and information regarding the education of children living in Shropshire who were previously in care and are now subject to an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangement order.
This means the virtual school should:
- Respond to parental requests for advice and information, for example advice on school admissions in their area
- Respond to requests for advice and information from providers of early education, designated teachers in maintained schools and academies, and providers of alternative provision in their area about individual children supported by the local authority. The VSH should develop or build on existing good working relationships with designated teachers for previously looked-after children in their area
- Make general advice and information available to early years settings and schools to improve awareness of the vulnerability and needs of previously looked-after children, including good practice on identifying and meeting their needs, and guidance on effective use of the pupil premium plus
Not having parental responsibility for these children, the virtual school wouldn't be entitled to monitor them, and the duties don't extend to taking on case work or actions. However, we aim to empower all our parents with the advice, information and expertise that we've gathered, whilst supporting our children in care to ensure that all the children in our remit can fulfil their potential in school.
If a child or young person is moving from being a looked-after child to becoming previously looked after Shropshire Virtual School aims to support schools, parents and partners to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please see our guide to find out how we can help.
Shropshire Council is part of a 'regional permanence partnership' – Together4Chidlren - with Telford and Wrekin, Stoke and Staffordshire. Please see the education support section on the Togther4Children website where you'll find resources and a link to the education planning tool (EP-PLAC), which can be used as a good practice tool in schools.
Adoption UK Charity is a national charity that strives to provide the right support at the right time for families supporting children from early permanence to adoption, as well as through kinship care.
See the campaign by Adoption UK - Breaking the barriers to attendance at school.
Here is information on a training resource that may be of interest to schools in relation to supporting and promoting the attainment of Previously Looked After Children: The-RADY-Project and Challenging Education | Insight HR Limited
For any queries please contact us for further information and support: or phone 01743 250124.