
Multi-Disciplinary Partnership Working

Stepping Stones Forum (SS)

Forum has oversight of families who have been considered at a Stepping Stones consultation meeting and have been accepted to receive intervention, or, who have been sign posting for multi-agency support regarding barriers to progress; to ensure a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach.

The Stepping Stones forum is held on a fortnightly basis to:

  • Share information of service involvement, and undertake specific actions to break down barriers
  • Undertake discussion of rising/escalating issues
  • Report on progress and outcomes
  • Encourage networking and updating of developments within respective multi-agency service provisions.

SS Forum Agencies Representation: Shropshire Virtual School, Housing, Probation, Mental Health, West Mercia Youth Justice Team, Connexus, BeeU, Education Advise & Support: Child Looked after Nurse Service, TMBSS, We Are With You Adults, We Are With You Young People, Police