Your collection service

Please ensure that your bin can easily be moved by one hand. This is to ensure that collection crews don't have any issues emptying your bin. Overloaded bins can cause health and safety issues to the collection crew and won't be emptied.

It's the resident's responsibility to remove waste to ensure the bin can be collected on the next scheduled collection. Additional waste can be disposed of at your nearest household recycling centre.

Mixed packaging

There’s no need to separate cans, plastics and glass. You can mix them all together in your boxes or recycling bin. Please keep material loose and please don't bag your recycling.

Examples of mixed packaging

We accept...

  • Aerosols
  • Drink cans
  • Foil
  • Plastic pots, tubs, trays and bottles
  • Food tins
  • Sweet tins
  • Bottle tops
  • Metal tops
  • Glass bottles and jars

Blue bag

The blue bag makes it easy to recycle. You can use it to collect all your cardboard and paper too, freeing up an extra box for your other recycling.

Blue bag recycling examples

We accept...

  • Magazines
  • Junk mail
  • Envelopes
  • Catalogues
  • Ready-meal boxes
  • Egg boxes
  • Newspapers
  • Cereal boxes
  • Cardboard packaging

If you have lots of cardboard, cut or tear into small pieces (the size of your blue bag) and secure together. Please then leave this by the side of your blue bag, secured so that it doesn’t become windblown.


Place batteries in a clear plastic bag and put out next to your recycling boxes on recycling day. Normal household batteries can be recycled along with the rest of your household recycling. Batteries should be placed in a clear plastic bag and left where the collection crews can easily see them.

Rubbish bin

For anything that can’t be recycled, you can still use your general waste bin. We send this waste to an energy recovery facility where it's used to generate electricity.

So before you bin it, ask yourself, is it general household waste or can it be recycled?

Remember, we don’t collect waste from the side of your bin. Make sure everything fits inside and the lid is closed. The council reserves the right to not collect bins that are identified as not safe to unload. This could be due to risk of spillage, harm to collection crews, passers-by, and damage to vehicles.

Household recycling centres (HRCs)

If you have any items that are too big for the kerbside collection service, you can drop them off at your local HRC. We recycle over 30 different types of materials – everything from kettles and toasters to car batteries, paint and cooking oil! Don’t forget, if you’re in a van – you may need a permit.

Bulky waste

Another way to recycle large, bulky items is to donate them to a local re-use shop or scheme. Or if you’d like us to pick it up, you can pay to use our bulky waste collection service. Simply call: 0345 678 9007