Southwest Shropshire – Ludlow and surrounding areas
Contact Information
The range of activities and support in our community and family hubs is developing all the time, with offers from Shropshire Council and our partners. We'll be updating these pages regularly as the offer grows. Here is some of the support available in the Ludlow community and family hub now:
Ludlow Youth Club
A safe space to meet friends, try new activities and grow your skills.Every Tuesday 6:15pm-7:45pm. Cost £1 per week.
For more information please contact Amanda Hollinshead on 07342 885293 or email.
For: Ages 10-13 years
Young people drop-in
A drop-in session for young people aged 13+. Come along and meet your youth workers Tom and Ian. Chill out in a safe place. Snacks will be provided. Everyone is welcome!
For: Young people aged 13+
Meet n Chat SEND - special educational needs and disabilities
Support with general SEND enquires. You can chat with people from Early help, Education, Health and the Parent Carer Council (PACC). These sessions run across Shropshire.
For: families with children aged 0-19 years (0-25 years - SEND)
Ludlow health drop-in clinic
Free and confidential drop-in clinic with a friendly nurse for people aged 13+ offering Contraception, STI Testing, Emergency contraceptive Pill and Information & Advice
For: 13+
Coffee and chat, family drop-in
Free information, advice and support on all aspects of family life.
For: families with children 0-19 years (0-25yrs SEND), children and young people 0-19 years (0-25yrs SEND)
Health visitor open access clinic
Advice and support for families with young children, around a range of topics including Infant feeding, breastfeeding advice, child development, emotional health and wellbeing and more.
For: families with children aged 0-5 years old
Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service
Drop-in sessions to support victims of domestic violence.
For: anyone aged 16 and over
Family learning and adult gateway
Help parents and carers understand the school curriculum, support their children’s learning and improve their own skills and knowledge.
For: parents and carers
Supports people with disabilities and mental health needs into employment, with the focus on assisting individuals to find a job that suits their needs and interests.
For: anyone over 16
Armed forces outreach support
Providing help and support to all military personnel, veterans and their families.
For: military personnel, veterans and their families
Support to stop smoking
Free, confidential support from a specialist stop smoking advisor to help you stop smoking.
For: anyone over 12
Warm space
The Community and Family Hub, based at the youth centre building welcome you daily Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. For all age groups, individuals and families very welcome. Other support available:
- Children's activities
- Digital support for getting on-line
- Activities for teens and young adults
- Drop in café
- Health related drop ins
For any queries contact
For: families and children - 0-19 years, (0-25yrs SEND)
Ludlow autism group
A friendly group where you can meet other families in a relaxed setting, there will be lots of toys and books for children in a warm and safe environment. Meets every two weeks.
For information please contact
For: families with children, 0-25 (SEND), parents and carers and teens.
Parenting team drop in
The parenting team will be dropping into Early Help sessions, find out what sessions they'll be attending.
For: parents and carers with children 0-19 years (0-25 SEND)
Shropshire Recovery Partnership delivered by With You
Friendly and professional support without judgement.
For: children and young people, parents and carers
Early help virtual drop-ins with the Enable team
Drop in to the family drop-in sessions and the Early Help team will support you to access a virtual discussion with the Enable Team.
For: parents and carers with children 0-19 years (0-25 SEND)
Let's talk mental health hub
Free information, support and advice for people experiencing difficulties relating to their mental health and wellbeing.
For: adults 18+
Ludlow Carers Group
Ludlow Carers is a peer-led support group – an opportunity to chat, share experiences, and build friendships and support networks.
For: carers
There are a number of support and events in the library:
Looking for other support nearby?
For family support, enter your postcode on the directory below and see what is available in your area:
Family information service directory
For other support such as housing, community or business visit our: