The 0-5 Team

The Early Help 0-5 Team works closely with other professional teams to support our youngest children and those expecting families. We have strong partnerships with those working with families with children under the age of five, including health visitors, early years settings and midwifery. We've developed pathways with these partners to ensure that families seeking more help than what they already have from these partners can get the support they need at the earliest point.

The 0-5 Team offer includes opportunities to drop-in to talk to a dedicated team member about anything they may be struggling with. Families can drop into their nearest family hub, contact Shropshire's First Point of Contact (FPOC) or explore this website for hands-on digital information.

The 0-5 Team can also provide more focused support to those families needing more specific help. This would include a family's early help assessment and plan. These tools will help us provide the right support to meet the needs of the family, and may include working with others.

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