
Brook Traffic Light Tool e-learning

Brook offers a low-cost e-learning module for their tool which helps professionals make consistent and informed decisions and have meaningful conversations about appropriate sexual behaviours. The online course needs to be refreshed annually.

Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership learning briefings and events

Visit the SSCP website for information on learnings from local child safeguarding practice reviews, rapid reviews and multi-agency case file audits.  Plus information on safeguarding resources for adults and children’s workforce and prevent training.

Solihull Approach training

Information on professionals' Solihull Approach foundation training.

Schools and early years training and consultancies

Information on any training, briefings, networks and events specifically for schools and early years settings in Shropshire.

Multi-agency early help training and events

Shropshire’s Early Help offer provides a range of training opportunities for any practitioners working with Shropshire families, children or young people at an early help level.