Multi-agency early help training and events

Many of our multi-agency training modules have been pre-funded so there's no charge for attending.

Those who already have a learner account with Early Help can click onto the links below for the training they're interested in attending, to check current course dates, and book to attend if places are available.

Those who don't currently have an Early Help training learner account set up should email their name, job title, agency and their individual email contact (generic email addresses such as admin@ or head@ should not be used, where possible) to Tracey Bowen (training business support officer): 

A few of our multi-agency training modules now have a charge attached to them for our partner agencies.  These modules are booked via Joint Training:

  • Young Person’s Substance Misuse, including addiction, exploitation and AIthis training will provide an understanding of young people using substances, exploring addiction, exploitation, and how artificial intelligence (AI) may influence future exploitation
  • LEGO® Think Bricks - this training provides an understanding of a therapeutic coaching approach, designed to support children’s emotional wellbeing, using the LEGO® Think Bricks resource...brick by brick! 

Brook sexual behaviours traffic light tool


Brook’s nationally recognised sexual behaviours traffic light tool can only be used by professionals who have been trained and licensed to use the resource. 

We offer free, interactive, face to face, half-day training which provides us all with a shared language, and allows for a multi-agency response to help professionals identify, understand and respond appropriately to sexual behaviours in young people. The training and accompanying traffic light tool equip professionals to make consistent and informed decisions that neither stigmatise nor criminalise young people. 

Participants will learn about healthy sexual development, understand key laws relating to sexual behaviour and gain knowledge on enabling robust and meaningful conversations around harmful sexual behaviours that cause concern. 

All participants will receive a hard copy of the tool to support their learning, and a pdf of the tool for future reference. They will also have access to a digital version of the tool and a certificate upon completion, and must sign up to receive updates from Brook.


Reducing parental conflict - introduction


All practitioners or agencies that have contact with parents either directly or by working with their children can play an important role in identifying and supporting the reduction of parental conflict. Underpinned by a solid evidence base, the session will raise awareness of how conflict may be damaging for children and why it can be hard to address, and will introduce some simple tools that can be used with parents to break the cycle. 

This free, two-hour introductory session delivered via Microsoft Teams aims to support practitioners to build awareness and develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to work with parents to reduce conflict and improve outcomes for children. 


Reducing parental conflict: building confidence and using resources


It can be difficult to identify parental conflict as often the focus is on a child’s behaviour and the quality of parent-child relationships. However, research shows that parental conflict has a significant impact on children’s outcomes, regardless of their age or whether their parents are together or separated. 

This free, one-day face-to-face course, aimed at practitioners who work directly with families, has been designed to help practitioners develop the skills.

All delegates will have access to a range of tools to use on the day to discuss with colleagues and take away to use in their own setting.


Complex co-parenting: working with parents in conflict


Do you work with families where parents are unable to agree at all? Are you struggling to support them to work together to improve outcomes for the children? Are you unsure if what you are seeing is domestic abuse, parental conflict or parental alienation? Does the family feel that this way of behaving is just the way things are?

Families with unresolved intergenerational trauma make up a high percentage of re-referrals to services, often described as the revolving door. To improve outcomes for families, agencies need to view family conflict through a trauma lens and explore traumatic events experienced during childhood, and how this can have a negative impact on parenting and use constructive approaches to help parents co-parent effectively. ​

It's a pre-requisite of this free, four-hour, face-to-face course that learners have completed either the 'Introduction to reducing parental conflict' two-hour training session or the full-day 'Reducing parental conflict: building confidence and using the resources' training session, prior to booking onto this training.