Working in partnership

The Economic Growth Team works with partners across the county to deliver shared goals and leverage funding opportunities. The strength of our partnerships make them an attractive and reliable delivery mechanism for external funding bodies.

Our partnerships include town partnerships such as the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan group, the Future Oswestry Group and the Future Bridgnorth Group. Working with town partners has resulted in significant enhancements to our local towns, such as Oswestry’s High Street Heritage Action Zone.

We also work with business networks across the county such as Shrewsbury BID and One Oswestry, as well as wider stakeholder networks such as the Shropshire Economic Partnership (SEP). The SEP works collaboratively towards delivering Shropshire’s Economic Growth Strategy and its ambitious key performance indicators (KPIs), demonstrating the power of working in partnerships. That strategy's KPIs are:

  • Improve productivity
  • Improve wages
  • Increase levels of investment
  • Ensure that new homes are built across the county
  • Increase jobs

Oswestry shops and alleyways following High Street Heritage Action Zone improvements...

Oswestry Shop Fronts And Alleyway