Oswestry High Street Heritage Zone

Transforming Oswestry's historic town centre - what is the HSHAZ project? 

The High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) is a heritage-led regeneration project that aims to celebrate and enhance the distinctive historic character of Oswestry. The project is led by the Future Oswestry Group (FOG), a partnership of Shropshire Council, Oswestry Town Council, and the Oswestry Business Improvement District (BID), with support from Historic England. 

What has the HSHAZ project achieved? 

The HSHAZ project (2020 – 2024) has delivered a range of interventions in the town centre, including: 

  1. Capital grants scheme for properties: this scheme provided grants to businesses and owners of historic buildings to reinstate or repair historic shop fronts, bring empty and redundant shop units back into use, and create residential accommodation on vacant upper floors. 
  2. Public realm improvements: this scheme improved four historic alleyways in the town by installing new lighting, paving, planters, seating, and art installations. The alleyways are Cae Glas alleyway, Herbie Roberts Way, Star Passage, and Clawdd Du. 
  3. Flagship project: this project supported Oswestry Town Council with the purchase and options appraisal of Llwyd Mansion, a Grade I listed building. The project also funded condition and feasibility surveys for the Regal and BWise buildings, two long-term empty buildings in the town. 
  4. Love Oswestry and Community Engagement: this scheme delivered a programme of cultural activities and events in the town, such as the Love Oswestry Festival, the Art-efact Project, and the animation of the town's history. The scheme also involved a research group that created new leaflets and guides for the town's heritage, and a school project that encouraged pupils to design their own shop fronts and businesses. 

How can I find out more about the HSHAZ project? 

If you want to learn more about the HSHAZ project and its impact on Oswestry, you can: 

  • Visit the town and see the changes for yourself 
  • Follow the Love Oswestry Facebook page for updates on cultural activities and events