Appeals timetable
Appeals for secondary transfer into Year 7 and reception intake received by the closing date are normally held during May, June and July each year. Take a look at the appeals timetable for the September 2025 intake for more information on what happens when.
Appeals lodged after the published dates (late applications) will generally be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals in respect of in-year applications will be heard within 30 school days of receipt. If you decide to request an appeal after 27 June, it may not be possible to offer an appeal date before the end of the summer term. Appeals are not held in the school holidays.
Appellants (the person/s lodging an appeal) will receive notification of the date, time and venue of the appeals panel appointed to hear their appeal at least ten school days before the hearing. Appellants and the admission authority must provide the clerk to the appeals panel with any documents they wish to submit to the panel no later than six working days before the appeals hearing. The clerk to the panel will send to the panel, the appellants and the admission authority all the documentary evidence to be considered at the hearing at least five working days before the hearing.
After the appeal hearing you'll normally be notified of the panel’s decision in writing as soon as possible after the hearing, but not later than five school days unless there's good reason. Decisions of appeals panels are final and binding on both the admission authority and the school.