Housing options and homelessness

We offer support and help whether you're homeless or worried about becoming homeless. We'll give you advice based on your own circumstances. There are lots of services to help you stay in your current home. If that's not an option, we can help you to find a different home. 

Get advice!

For the most up-to-date information, please access our self-serve advice tool. If you have any more questions, you can contact us.

Homelessness and homeless prevention

Information and advice on how people can prevent themselves from becoming homeless.

Types of housing available

Housing options available to you in Shropshire.

Rough sleeping

The options available to people who find themselves having to rough sleep.

Support services

Information on housing-related support groups.

Physical difficulties in your home

Information on equipment and adaptations in your home that could help you.

Domestic abuse

Housing-related help for people who have been affected by domestic abuse.

Duty to refer

What is the duty to refer and how is it used?

16- and 17-year-olds

Advice for those aged 16 or 17 who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.

Problems paying your rent or mortgage

Help with your financial arrangements.

Armed forces

Housing support for armed forces veterans.

Leaving care

Housing-related advice for people living in or leaving care.

Hospital discharge

Information on accommodation and home adaptation needs following hospital discharge.

Prison release

If you're in prison or youth detention and will have no home on release, we can assess your needs.

Privacy notice

How do we use information held about you?