Adaptations to your home: disabled facilities grant (DFG)

We can assist in making the home of a person with disabilities more suitable to live in and enable them to manage independently. Assistance is available for both home owners and tenants. However, if you're a tenant of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing you will need to contact your landlord for advice regarding adaptations.

If you have a disability and need to make changes to stay in your home, you may be eligible for a disabled facilities grant (DFG) to fund alterations to your property to make it easier to live there, and remain as independent as possible. We can assist at all stages of the grant process, from identification of needs to completion of paperwork to installation of the adaptation works.

Adaptations may include:

  • Improving access to rooms and facilities (eg stairlifts or level-access shower)
  • Installation of ramps
  • Upgrading, or in certain cases providing, a heating system suitable for your needs
  • Adapting heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use

The need for any adaptation is assessed by an occupational therapist (OT), or trusted assessor overseen by an occupational therapist, who will identify any necessary and appropriate adaptations and or equipment to meet your individual requirements. A recommendation for relocation to a more suitable property is a possibility if an officer from the Private Sector Housing team finds that your current home isn't reasonable and or practicable to adapt.

A DFG won't affect any benefits you're getting, but, depending on your household income and savings, you may be required to pay towards the cost of any works to the property.

Disabled children can get a grant without their parents' income being assessed.

If you're struggling with your home environment and you feel that you may need adaptations to make life easier, you'll need to arrange an assessment with an OT by contacting us on 0345 678 9044.

If you require any further information about the DFG please contact Private Sector Housing on 01743 251810, or email

If you're a tenant of Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing and need to contact your landlord call 0333 32 12 200, or email