"Domestic Abuse always seems to happen behind closed doors and there is a societal view that it is not our issue to deal with. I am here to help people understand that this is not the case and we need to take action to prevent people dying. People have died in Shropshire and the learning from these case reviews has helped shape this training." Harriet McInnes, Domestic Abuse Training Lead for Shropshire Council
Aims to: Increase your understanding around what coercive control is, the tactics that may be used by an abuser and how to adopt a trauma informed approach.
Learning outcomes: This training module will look at:-
- What is domestic abuse - recap
- What is coercive control
- What the legislation says
- The impacts on a person
- What is trauma and how it can impact a person
- How we can work in a trauma aware and informed way
- Support available to victims and perpetrators.
Target: Individuals working to support both children and/or adults
Course cost - all groups: £64
Group 3 prefunded places are not available for this domestic abuse training.
Shropshire Council ALL staff - your places have been funded by prior arrangement - please apply for this training internally via Leap into Learning