Fees Firework-related fees
Explosives and firework fees
- Type
Any other kind of variation (Not varying name of licensee or address of site)
- Fee 2024/25 (£)
- Type
Explosives Assent Procedure
- Fee 2024/25 (£)
- Type
Copy of public register entry (per individual entry)
- Fee 2024/25 (£)
Explosives and fireworks legislation statutory fees 2024/2025
New - Licence to store explosives where, by virtue of regulation 27 of, and schedule 5 to, the 2014 regulations, a minimum separation distance of greater than 0 metres is prescribed.
- Duration
One year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Two year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Three year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Four year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Five year’s duration
- Fee
Renewal of licence to store explosives where a minimum separation distance of greater than 0 metres is prescribed.
- Duration
One year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Two year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Three year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Four year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Five year’s duration
- Fee
New Licence to store explosives where no minimum separation distance or a 0 metres minimum separation distance is prescribed.
- Duration
One year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Two year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Three year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Four year’s duration
- Fee
- Duration
Five year’s duration
- Fee
Licensing of firework suppliers
- Duration
One year’s duration
- Fee