Shropshire Virtual School A guide for previously looked-after children

Previously looked-after children - this includes children who were looked after by the local authority and ceased to be looked after due to:

  • Adoption
  • Being supported under a Special Guardianship Order
  • Child Arrangements Order

Where children have been identified as previously looked-after, schools can include them in their census in order to secure PP+ funding. Unlike with looked-after children the PP+ is released directly to schools, not through virtual schools.

Shropshire Virtual School can help with advice and support for those children who are previously looked-after and attend a school in Shropshire (irrespective of where they live) by contacting

How Shropshire Virtual School can help

The role of the Virtual School for Previously Looked-After Children is to promote their educational achievement through the provision of information and advice.

  • Providing advice and information to frequently asked questions
  • Providing advice to individual parents/carers and schools where they have a query
  • Advising schools and partners on how to support previously looked-after children, promote educational achievement, support inclusion and how to best use PP+
  • Transitions eg primary to secondary school and others
  • Training for schools/settings and other relevant partners

If a child or young person is moving from being a looked-after child to becoming previously looked after Shropshire Virtual School aims to support schools, parents and partners to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please see our guide to find out how we can help.

Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children

For further information, you can also view our Shropshire Virtual School pupil premium and grant policy document.

A swift response

If a young person is struggling to succeed in education then get in touch with us as soon as possible. We can offer that support and guidance. By picking up the phone early on to us we can work together so situations feel more manageable.

Shropshire Virtual School can also deliver training for your school – for example to support attachment and trauma informed practice. We have an annual training offer which includes training for a variety of audiences such as schools/settings, social workers, carers and other multi-agency partners.

There is training for designated teachers every term and this can be found at UCS Shrewsbury CPD.